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blonde JOKES (random)

Want to know how to amuse a blonde for hours?
Write please turn over on both sides of the paper!

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 1 - A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out. Her boss, concerned about his employe... More ››
 2 - A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started... More ››
 3 - Two bowling teams, one of all blondes and one of all brunettes, charter a double-decker bus fo... More ››
 4 - One day 3 women went to the top of a water flume in a swimming pool. There was a black haired,... More ››
 5 - A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small club in a... More ››
 6 - A blonde went to eletronic store and she asked, "How is much is this TV?" The salesman said, "... More ››
 7 - In a fancy Paris restaurant, there is a magical wish-granting mirror. But it only grants wishes... More ››
 8 - A blonde walks up to a Coke machine and puts in a coin. Out pops a Coke. The blonde looks amaz... More ››
 9 - A guy took his blonde girlfriend to a football game for the first time. After the game he ask... More ››
 10 - Two blondes are walking down the street. One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down... More ››
 11 - Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a supermarket trolley? A: The supermarket trolley... More ››
 12 - Q: What does a blonde put behind her ears to make her more attractive? A: Her ankles.... More ››
 13 - Q: What's a blonde's favourite wine? A: "Daaaddy, I want to go to Miaaami!"... More ››
 14 - A blonde decides to learn and try horse back riding unassisted without prior experience or lesso... More ››
 15 - A blonde was going on a plane trip to New York. When the attendant came by and asked for her tic... More ››
 16 - Three women are about to be executed. One's a brunette, one's a redhead and one's a blonde.... More ››
 17 - A blonde walks by a travel agency and notices a sign in the window, "Cruise Special -- $99!".... More ››
 18 - A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are stuck on an island. One day, the three of them are wal... More ››
 19 - One morning this blonde calls her friend and says, "Would you mind coming over and helping me ou... More ››
 20 - A dumb blonde was really tired of being made fun of, so she decided to have her hair she would... More ››
 21 - A blonde goes into a Best Buy. She asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner. The clerk l... More ››
 22 - One day while a blonde was out driving her car, she ran into a truck. The truck's driver made he... More ››
 23 - A trucker stops at a red light and a blonde catches up to him. She knocks on the window and says... More ››
 24 - There was a blonde who was at an all blonde football game. At halftime she was called down to a... More ››
 25 - A blonde came home from school one day and said to her mom, ''I can count higher then all the ki... More ››
 26 - A blonde and her husband were driving home, when they hit a rabit. They both got out of the ca... More ››
 27 - A blonde and a redhead went to the bar after work for a drink, and sat on stools watching the 6... More ››
 28 - One day a blonde woman was down on her luck and she needed a quick way to get money. She saw so... More ››
 29 - A blonde bought a brand new car and decided to drive down from some place far off, to meet this... More ››
 30 - A blonde got lost in her car in a snow storm. She remembered what her dad had once told her. "If... More ››
 31 - A blonde, a brunette, and a man are driving in their pick-up truck. The brunette was sitting up... More ››
 32 - A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead were standing in a line before a firing squad. The command... More ››
 33 - One day a blond went out to check her mail box. There was nothing in it. Her neighbor who was al... More ››
 34 - A blonde suspects that her boyfriend is cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun. She... More ››
 35 - A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are all stuck on a deserted island together. The island is 20... More ››
 36 - Three blondes are stranded on an island. A fairy comes along and says that she will grant each p... More ››
 37 - There's a brunette standing in the middle of a street jumping up and down, counting "57, 57, 57.... More ››
 38 - A 92-year old woman had a full cardiac arrest at home and was rushed to the hospital. After abou... More ››
 39 - A redhead, a brunette and a blonde all escape from a prison together. They run into the nearby w... More ››
 40 - A car was driving down the street when all of a sudden it started swerving. The car was going ba... More ››
 41 - A blonde calls her husband at work one day and asks him, "Can you help me when you get home?"... More ››
 42 - One day, a blonde's neighbor goes over to her house, sees the blonde crying, and asks her what h... More ››
 43 - One day a blonde, red-head, and a brunette were driving through the desert when all of a sudden... More ››
 44 - A man was trimming his bushes. His neighbor (the blonde) walks out, checks her mail only to see... More ››
 45 - At a pharmacy, a blonde asked to use the infant scale to weigh the baby she held in her arms.... More ››
 46 - A blonde was driving down the road listening to the radio and was quite upset when she heard b... More ››
 47 - A blonde comes home from a day of shopping and discovers that her house is on fire, so she calls... More ››
 48 - Three blondes were walking through a field when they came across a set of tracks. The first... More ››
 49 - A brunette walks into a bar and says, "Gimme an M L." The bartender says, "What's an M L?"... More ››
 50 - A blonde is walking down the street with her blouse open, exposing one of her breasts. A ne... More ››
 51 - A blond guy and a brunette girl were happily married and about to have a baby. One day, the wi... More ››
 52 - A person went into the office kitchen one morning and found a new blonde girl painting the wal... More ››
 53 - A blonde walks into a hair salon to get her hair cut wearing headphones. The stylist asks her to... More ››
 54 - A blonde gets her first period, so she goes to the drugstore to get some pads. The wide selectio... More ››
 55 - A blonde, brunette and a redhead had a breaststroke swimming race across the English Channel.... More ››
 56 - A friend meets up with her friend as she is picking her car up from the mechanic. Her friend... More ››
 57 - While shopping at the grocery store, I noticed that the tuna packed in spring water was labele... More ››
 58 - A man works in the operations department of a large bank. Employees call him from the field when... More ››
 59 - Did you hear about the two females who were watching a blonde walk by? The first one said, "I... More ››
 60 - This executive was interviewing a nervous young blonde women for a position in his company. He w... More ››
 61 - A blonde was playing Trivial Pursuit one night. It was her turn, she rolled the dice and she lan... More ››
 62 - Q:Once there was the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Easter bunny, a smart blonde and a dumb blonde th... More ››
 63 - One day there was a blonde riding a horse. The horse kept going faster and faster until the bl... More ››
 64 - A blonde was taking the tour of a national park not long ago. The ranger mentioned to the tour g... More ››
 65 - Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a computer? A: You only have to punch information... More ››
 66 - A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of international capitals. She proudly said, "Go a... More ››
 67 - Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their car with a coat hanger. Fi... More ››
 68 - A blonde and a brunette are sky-diving. The brunette jumps out the plane and pulls the cord - no... More ››
 69 - A policeman pulled a blonde over after he/she'd been driving the wrong way on a one-way street.... More ››
 70 - One day a blonde went to a sea food restaurant and saw the tank where they kept the lobsters. Sh... More ››
 71 - Q: Did you hear what the blonde who was opening a new bar said when her lawyer explained to her... More ››
 72 - A blonde was walking down the road with a healthy looking pig under her arm. As she passed the... More ››
 73 - Q: Why do Blondes wear padded shoulders? A: So they don't get a concussion while bobbing their... More ››
 74 - A blonde's house is on fire. She runs outside and yells, "Help me! My house is on fire! What do... More ››
 75 - A blonde was filling out an application form for a job. She promptly filled the columns entitl... More ››
 76 - Two blondes are on opposite sides of a lake. One blonde yells to the other, "How do you get... More ››
 77 - One day, a blonde and her friend were walking through the park. Suddenly, the blonde's friend sa... More ››
 78 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde who dropped out of nursing school? A: She was doing great unti... More ››
 79 - A brunette and a blonde are walking along in a park. The brunette says suddenly, "Awww, look at... More ››
 80 - Two blondes were walking down the road and the first blonde said "Look at that dog with one eye!... More ››
 81 - Q: What did the dumb blonde say when told that "Scheherezade" was composed by Rimsky-Korsakov ?... More ››
 82 - A brunette doing laundry asked her blonde friend to help her find a match for her sock. The blon... More ››
 83 - Q: How can you steal the window seat of a blonde on a plane going to London? A: Tell her the... More ››
 84 - Q: What did the blonde do when she noticed that someone had already written on the overhead tran... More ››
 85 - Q. If a blonde and a brunette were falling off a building, who would hit the ground first? A. T... More ››
 86 - Did you hear about the two Blondes that were found frozen to death in their car at the drive-in... More ››
 87 - When a blonde goes to London on a plane, how can you steal her window seat ? Tell her the seats... More ››
 88 - Q: Why did it take the blonde a whole week to wash three basement windows? A: It took her six... More ››
 89 - Q: Why will a blonde laugh at a joke three times? A: Once when you tell it, once when you tel... More ››
 90 - The assistant asked the blonde if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve. "S... More ››
 91 - Q. Why did the blonde get so excited when she finished the jigsaw puzzle after only 6 months?... More ››
 92 - Q: What do Blondes say after sex? A1: Thanks Guys. A2: Are you boys all in the same band? A3: D... More ››
 93 - A German woman is walking down the street. Eleven blonde guys walk up and attack her. She sc... More ››
 94 - Q: Why do blondes occupy about 90% of the net bandwidth? A: Because they keep accidentally del... More ››
 95 - Q: Why did the blonde get so excited after she finished her jigsaw puzzle in only 6 months? A... More ››
 96 - Q. How do you drown a blonde? A1. Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool. A2. Stick a scratch an... More ››
 97 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde who stood in front of a mirror with her eyes closed? A: She... More ››
 98 - One day 2 blondes decided to drive to Disney Land. When they saw a sign that said 'Disney Land l... More ››
 99 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde that got pregnant for the second time? A: She asked her husb... More ››
 100 - Q: What thoughts do Blondes have after reading these jokes? A: None, as usual... and they most... More ››
 101 - Did you hear the one about the blonde that had a problem with her bed? She couldn't find a knif... More ››
 102 - ''Have you heard my knock-knock joke?'' asked the blonde. ''No,'' said the brunette. '... More ››
 103 - Q: How do you recognize a blonde in school? A: They are the only ones who erase their noteboo... More ››
 104 - Teller: Why did the blonde move to L.A.? Blonde: I don't know. Why? Teller: It was easier to... More ››
 105 - Q: What did the blonde say about blonde jokes? A: She said they were pretty good, but they mi... More ››
 106 - Why can't blondes make Kool Aid? Because they can't figure out how to get eight cups of water i... More ››
 107 - A blonde was swimming. She swam deeper and deeper until she drowned. Her husband came home and... More ››
 108 - Q: How can you tell a blonde is being unfaithful? A: Everybody in the neighborhood is going to t... More ››
 109 - Q.How many blonde's does it take to change a light bulb? A. 3. 1 to find the bulb, 1 to find... More ››
 110 - Q: How do you know when a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies? A: You find M&M shells... More ››
 111 - Why do blondes have see-through lunch box tops? So they can tell if they are going to work or goi... More ››
 112 - Did you hear about the blonde with tire marks on her back? She crawled across the street when th... More ››
 113 - Q: How do you keep a blonde in suspense? A: Give her a mirror and tell her to wait for the ot... More ››
 114 - Q: What did the blonde do when she found out she was pregnant with triplets? A: She went look... More ››
 115 - Q: What does a blonde say when you ask her if her blinker is working? A: Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes.... More ››
 116 - What did the blonde's mother say when she asked if she could lick the bowl? "Just flush it like... More ››
 117 - Q: How do you know if a blonde has been sending e-mail? A: You see a bunch of envelopes stuffed... More ››
 118 - Q: Why was the blonde confused after giving birth to twins? A: She couldn't figure out who t... More ››
 119 - A blonde walks down the street and sees a banana peel a hundred yards ahead, and she sighs.... More ››
 120 - Q: What is a blonde doing when she holds her hands tightly over her ears? A: She's trying to ho... More ››
 121 - Did you hear about the blonde who put "Sagittarius" at the bottom of application forms where it... More ››
 122 - Q: How can you tell if a cat is blonde? A: No matter what height you drop it from it always l... More ››
 123 - Did you hear about the blonde who was a really good cook? She could get pop tarts out of the toa... More ››
 124 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde who gave her cat a bath? A: She still hasn't gotten all the ha... More ››
 125 - Q: What was the last thing a blonde heard before dying of old age? A: "Today children, we wil... More ››
 126 - Q: What does a blonde say when you asked her what the last two words of the national anthem are?... More ››
 127 - Q: Did you hear about the new blonde hoodlum? A: She runs around spray-painting her name on c... More ››
 128 - Q: Did you hear about the Blonde who got a pair of water-skis? A: She's still looking for a l... More ››
 129 - Q: Why did eighteen blondes go to the movies together? A: They heard that under seventeen we... More ››
 130 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde that almost caused a car accident? A: The spare tire in her... More ››
 131 - Hear about the blonde explorer? She bought a piece of sandpaper thinking it was a map of the Sa... More ››
 132 - Did you hear about the blonde who after watching the ballerinas, wondered why they didn't get... More ››
 133 - Q: How did the blonde break her leg playing hockey with the Toronto Maple Leafs? A: She fell ou... More ››
 134 - Q: What did the blonde think of the new computer? A: She didn't like it because she couldn't ge... More ››
 135 - Q: What goes VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH? A: A blonde going through a flashing... More ››
 136 - Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car? A: She saw "911" on the back and thought it w... More ››
 137 - Did you hear about the blonde that stayed up all night to see where the sun went? It finally d... More ››
 138 - Q: Why did the blond quit his restroom attendant job? A: He couldn't figure out how to refill th... More ››
 139 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde coyote? A: Got stuck in a trap, chewed off three legs and was... More ››
 140 - Q. What did the blonde say when she knocked over a priceless Ming vase? A. "It's okay Daddy, I'... More ››
 141 - Did you hear why they closed the Seattle Kingdom? While the crowd was doing the wave, two blon... More ››
 142 - Q: Why didn't the blondes go to the movies on one buck night? A: They couldn't fit a deer int... More ››
 143 - Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a solar powered calculator? A: The blonde works i... More ››
 144 - Q: What goes VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH? A: A blonde going through a flashing... More ››
 145 - Q: Why should you keep a blonde on the job 7 days a week? A: So you don't have to retrain them ev... More ››
 146 - Q: What is dumber than the Blonde jokes above? A: Me for wasting hours editing and typing these d... More ››
 147 - Did you hear about the blonde who stayed up all night to see where the sun went? It finally dawn... More ››
 148 - Q.) What happens when a Blonde eats a mosquito? A.) She has more brain cells in her stomach than... More ››
 149 - Q. Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet? A. So she wouldn't wake up the sleepin... More ››
 150 - What did the blonde say when she saw the sign in front of the YMCA? "Look! They spelled MACY's... More ››
 151 - Hear about the blonde that got an AM radio? It took her a month to realize she could play it at... More ››
 152 - Why did the blonde put her finger over the nail when she was hammering? The noise gave her a he... More ››
 153 - Q: Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN? A: Because she didn't know which one came... More ››
 154 - Q: What do you call a blonde with a dollar on the top of their head? A: All you can eat, under... More ››
 155 - Q: Why did the blonde only smell good on the right side? A: She didn't know where to buy Left... More ››
 156 - Be careful never to let a blonde have a coffee break... It takes too long to retrain her after... More ››
 157 - Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet? She didn't want to wake the sleeping tab... More ››
 158 - Q: Why did the blonde keep a coat hanger in her back seat? A: In case she locks the keys in her... More ››
 159 - Q: Why did the blonde keep a empty carton of milk in the fridge? A: In case she wanted black co... More ››
 160 - Why did the blond lay out on the lawn chair in her bikini at midnight? She wanted to get a dark... More ››
 161 - Why don't blondes like to make Kool-Aid? They can't get eight cups of water into that little pa... More ››
 162 - Q: What are the blonde's first words after 4 years of college? A: "Would you like fries with t... More ››
 163 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde who hijacked a submarine? A: She demanded $200,000 and a parac... More ››
 164 - Q. How do you know a blonde has been using the computer? A. There is cheese in front of the m... More ››
 165 - Q: What did the blonde do when she heard that 90% of accidents occur around the home? A: She mo... More ››
 166 - A. Why do blondes always smile during lightning storms? Q. They think their picture is being ta... More ››
 167 - Q: Why don't blondes like buttered toast? A: They can't figure out which side the butter goes... More ››
 168 - Why did the blonde run out of shampoo? She kept following the instructions: lather, rinse, rep... More ››
 169 - Q: How do you electrocute a blonde? A: Tell her to demonstrate the proper usage of an electric ch... More ››
 170 - Q: Why don't blondes eat bananas? A1: They can't find the zipper. A2: They cant find the pull ta... More ››
 171 - Q: Did you hear about the new form of birth control for blondes? A: They take off their makeu... More ››
 172 - Q. How do you confuse a blonde? A. Put her in a circular room and tell her to sit in the corner... More ››
 173 - Q: Why did the blonde keep ice cubes in the freezer? A: So she could keep the refrigerator cold... More ››
 174 - Why did the blonde climb up to the roof of the bar? She heard that the drinks were on the house... More ››
 175 - Q: How can you tell which tricycle belongs to the blonde? A: It is the one with the kickstand... More ››
 176 - Want to know how to amuse a blonde for hours? Write please turn over on both sides of the paper!... More ››
 177 - Q.Why did the blonde get thrown out of the M & M factory? A. She kept throwing out all the W's.... More ››
 178 - Q: Why are blondes hurt by people's words? A: Because people keep hitting them with dictionaries.... More ››
 179 - Q: Why do brunettes know so many blonde jokes? A: Gives 'em something to do on Saturday night!... More ››
 180 - Q. How do you know a blonde has been using a dishwasher? A.It's cloged up with paper plates.... More ››
 181 - Q: Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN ? A: She didn't know what ONE came first...... More ››
 182 - Q: What is the difference between blondes and traffic signs? A: Some traffic signs say stop.... More ››
 183 - Q: Why do blondes stand under light bulbs? A: It's the closest they'll come to a bright idea.... More ››
 184 - Q.) What would you call a bunch of blondes stacked on top of each other? A.) An air mattress.... More ››
 185 - Why does a blonde keep empty beer bottles in her fridge? They are for those who don't drink!... More ››
 186 - Did you hear about the blonde who got into the taxi, and the driver kept the "Vacant" sign up?... More ››
 187 - Q: How do you drown a blonde? A: When he asks for a lifesaver, ask him what flavor he wants.... More ››
 188 - What do smart blondes and UFOs have in common? You always hear about them but never see any!... More ››
 189 - Q: Why do blondes drive BMWs? A1: Because they can spell it. A2: Because they can spell BWM.... More ››
 190 - Q: What is the difference between a smart blonde and bigfoot? A: Bigfoot has been sighted.... More ››
 191 - Q: Why do blondes always die before help arrives? A: They always forget the "11" in "9-1-1".... More ››
 192 - Q: Why do blondes put rulers on their foreheads? A: They want to measure their intelligence.... More ››
 193 - Q: What is a blonde's definition of a naval destroyer? A: A hula hoop with a nail in it.... More ››
 194 - Q: Why are blondes like corn flakes? A: Because they're simple, easy and they taste good.... More ››
 195 - Q: Why couldn't the blonde add 10 and 7 on a calulator? A: She couldn't find the 10 key.... More ››
 196 - Q: What do you call a blonde sky diving team? A: A new version of the lawn dart's game.... More ››
 197 - Q. Why did the blonde write "TGIF" on her shoes? A. To remind her that "toes go in first."... More ››
 198 - Q. What do you call a dead blonde in a closet? A. The 1995 Hide and Seek World Champion.... More ››
 199 - Q: How does a blonde commit suicide? A: She gathers her clothes into a pile and jumps off.... More ››
 200 - What is every blonde's ambition in life? To be like Vanna White and learn the alphabet.... More ››
 201 - Q: What do blonds and spaghetti have in common? A: They both wriggle when you eat them.... More ››
 202 - Q: What do peroxide blonds and black men have in common? A: They both have black roots.... More ››
 203 - Why do blondes wash their hair in the sink? That's where you wash all your vegetables!... More ››
 204 - Why did the blonde call the welfare office? She wanted to know how to cook food stamps!... More ››
 205 - Q: What do you call it when a blonde gets taken over by a demon? A: A vacant posession.... More ››
 206 - Q: Why do blondes wear their hair up? A: To catch everything that goes over their heads... More ››
 207 - What do you do if a blonde throws a pin at you? Run - she is still holding the grenade!... More ››
 208 - What do you do when a blonde throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back!... More ››
 209 - What do blondes and beer bottles have in common? They are both empty from the neck up!... More ››
 210 - Q: Why can't blondes put in light bulbs? A: They keep breaking them with the hammers.... More ››
 211 - Q: Why is the blonde's brain the size of a pea in the morning? A: It swells at night.... More ››
 212 - Why don't you see blonde pharmacists? They can't get the bottles into the typewriter!... More ››
 213 - Q: How can you tell if a blonde has been using the computer? A: The joystick is wet.... More ››
 214 - Q: Why was the blondes' belly button sore ? A: Because her boyfriend was blonde too.... More ››
 215 - Q. Why did the blonde climb over the glass wall? A. To see what was on the other side.... More ››
 216 - Q: Why do blondes have little holes all over their faces? A: From eating with forks.... More ››
 217 - Q: Why did the blonde fail her drivers licence ? A: She wasn't used to the front seat!... More ››
 218 - Q. What is the fastest way to get a one-armed blonde out of a tree? A. Wave at her.... More ››
 219 - Q. How did the blonde die ice-fishing? A. She was run over by the zambonis machine.... More ››
 220 - Q: Why did the blonde want to become a veterinarian? A: Because she loved children.... More ››
 221 - Did you hear about the blonde who brought her cosmetics with her for a make-up exam?... More ››
 222 - These two blondes walk into a building. You'd think one of them would have seen it.... More ››
 223 - Did you hear about the blonde who missed the 44 bus? She took the 22 twice instead.... More ››
 224 - Q. What do you call a blonde who dies her hair brown? A. Artificial intelligence.... More ››
 225 - Q. Why is it good to have a blonde passenger? A. You can park in the handicap zone.... More ››
 226 - Q: How can you tell when a blonde rejects a new brain transplant? A: She sneezes.... More ››
 227 - A blonde opened a hair salon next to a graveyard and named it ''Curl Up and Dye.''... More ››
 228 - Why did the blonde have blisters on her lips? From trying to blow out lightbulbs.... More ››
 229 - Did you hear about the blonde who went to a nudist camp for a game of strip poker?... More ››
 230 - Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice carton? It said "concentrate" on it!... More ››
 231 - A blonde tried to blow up her husband's car, but burned her lips on the tailpipe.... More ››
 232 - Q. What does a blonde see when she looks into a box of cheerios? A. Donut seeds.... More ››
 233 - Q: What do you call a blonde in an institution of higher learning? A: A visitor.... More ››
 234 - Q: What do you call blonde twins doing bubble gum commercials? A: Double-dumb.... More ››
 235 - Q. What does a blonde say when you blow in her ear? A. "Thanks for the refill!"... More ››
 236 - Q: How do you recognize a blonde at a car wash? A: She's the one on her bike.... More ››
 237 - Q: Why did the mirror have 6 holes in it? A: A blonde tried to shoot herself!... More ››
 238 - Q: What do a blonde and a car have in common? A: They can both drive you crazy.... More ››
 239 - Q: Why did the blonde jump off the cliff? A: She thought her maxi pad had wings... More ››
 240 - Q: How do you describe a blonde, surrounded by drooling idiots? A: Flattered.... More ››
 241 - Q: What do you call a fly buzzing inside a blonde's head? A: A Space Invader.... More ››
 242 - Did you hear about the blonde who thought nitrates was cheaper than day rates?... More ››
 243 - Q: What do you call a blonde in a tree with a brief case? A: Branch Manager.... More ››
 244 - Q: What a BLONDE will ask the doctor, in the maternity ward? A: "Is it mine?"... More ››
 245 - Q: Where do you look for blonde's obituaries? A: Under "Home Improvements."... More ››
 246 - Q. What is eternity? A. When 4 blondes meet at a 4-way-stop-sign-intersection!... More ››
 247 - Q. What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket? A. A rebel without a clue!... More ››
 248 - I wonder what happened to that dumb blonde I went out with. I dyed my hair !... More ››
 249 - Q: How do blondes pierce their ears? A: They put tacks in their shoulder pads.... More ››
 250 - Q: How did the blonde kill her toy poodle? A: Trying to put batteries in it.... More ››
 251 - Q: What job function does a blonde have in an M&M factory? A: Proofreading.... More ››
 252 - ... Q.) Why would a blonde wear green lipstick? A.) Because red means Stop.... More ››
 253 - How do you make a blonde laugh on a Wednesday? Tell her a joke on a Monday!... More ››
 254 - Q: What do you say to a Blonde that won't give in? A: "Have another beer."... More ››
 255 - Q: What do blondes eat to increase their breast size? A: Silicone chips.... More ››
 256 - Q. Why was the blonde in the tree? A. Because she was raking up the leaves!... More ››
 257 - Q: What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel? A: An air bag.... More ››
 258 - Q: Why did the blonde snort Sweet-n-Low? A: She thought it was Diet Coke.... More ››
 259 - Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease? A: Her IQ goes up!... More ››
 260 - What do you call a blonde standing between two brunettes? A mental block!... More ››
 261 - Q: How do you confuse a blonde? A: Ask her to alphabetize a bag of M&Ms.... More ››
 262 - Q: How did the blonde try to kill the bird? A: She threw it off a cliff.... More ››
 263 - Q: Why did the blonde drive into the ditch? A: To turn the blinker off.... More ››
 264 - Q: Why are dumb blonde jokes so short? A: So brunettes can remember them.... More ››
 265 - Q: What is the blonde's chronic speech impediment? A: She can't say "No".... More ››
 266 - What goes Blonde, Brunette, Blonde, Brunette ? A blonde doing cartwheels.... More ››
 267 - Q: What kinds of people don't get invited to blonde parties? A: Women!... More ››
 268 - Q: Why don't blondes eat Jelly? A: They put tacks in their shoulder pads.... More ››
 269 - Q: What can strike a blonde without her even knowing it? A: A thought.... More ››
 270 - Q: Where do blondes go to meet their relatives? A: The vegetable garden.... More ››
 271 - Q: How many blonde jokes are there? A: One - the rest are all true.... More ››
 272 - Q: Why can't blondes make ice cubes? A: They always forget the recipe.... More ››
 273 - Why did the blonde burn her ear? The phone rang while she was ironing!... More ››
 274 - How do you make a blondes eyes shine bright? Shine a torch in her ear!... More ››
 275 - I looked into a blonde's eyes, but all I saw was the back of her head!... More ››
 276 - Q: What do you call four Blondes in a Volkswagon? A: Far-from-thinkin... More ››
 277 - Q: Why don't blonde's like audio-books? A: There aren't any pictures.... More ››
 278 - Q: Why don't blondes have elevator jobs? A: They don't know the route.... More ››
 279 - Q: How do you confuse a blonde? A: You don't. They're born that way.... More ››
 280 - Q: Why do men like blonde jokes?? A: Because they can understand them.... More ››
 281 - What do you call a blonde in a tree with a brief case? Branch manager.... More ››
 282 - Why are only 2% of blondes touch-typists? The rest are hunt'n peckers.... More ››
 283 - Q: Did you hear about the blonde that invented the solar flashlight?... More ››
 284 - Q: How do you keep a blonde in suspense? A: (I'll tell you tomorrow.)... More ››
 285 - How do you kill a blonde? Give them a gun an say it is a blow dryer... More ››
 286 - Q: How does a blonde high-5? A: She smacks herself in the forehead.... More ››
 287 - Q: What do you call a blonde holding a balloon? A: Siamese twins.... More ››
 288 - I offered a blonde a penny for her thoughts.... she gave me change!... More ››
 289 - Q: Did you hear about the blond skydiver? A: She missed the Earth!... More ››
 290 - Q.What are the worst six years in a blonde's life? A: Third Grade.... More ››
 291 - This blonde is so stupid, she called me to get my telephone number!... More ››
 292 - Did you hear about the blonde who took an hour to cook Minute Rice?... More ››
 293 - Q. Why do blondes have more fun? A. They are easier to keep amused.... More ››
 294 - Did you hear about the blonde who was an M.D.--Mentally Deficient?... More ››
 295 - Why did the blonde cross the road? I don't know. Neither did she!... More ››
 296 - Q: When does a brunette have 1/2 of a brain? A: After a dye job.... More ››
 297 - Q: How did the blonde die drinking milk? A: The cow fell on her.... More ››
 298 - What do you call 100 blondes standing ear to ear? A wind tunnel!... More ››
 299 - Q: What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket? A: Married.... More ››
 300 - Q: How does a blonde hemophiliac treat herself? A: Acupuncture.... More ››
 301 - Q: What's a blonde's favorite color? A: A light shade of clear.... More ››
 302 - Did you hear about the blonde tap dancer? She fell in the sink!... More ››
 303 - What's five miles long and has an IQ of forty? A blonde parade!... More ››
 304 - Q: What did the blonde's dentist find? A: Teeth in the cavity.... More ››
 305 - Q: How many blondes does it take to play Hide and Seek? A: One.... More ››
 306 - What do you call an eternity? Four Blondes at a four way stop.... More ››
 307 - Q: What does a blonde make best for dinner? A: Reservations.... More ››
 308 - Postcard from a blonde: Having a wonderful time. Where am I?... More ››
 309 - Q. What is a brunette between two blondes? A. An interpreter.... More ››
 310 - Q: What do you call 15 blondes in a circle? A: A dope ring.... More ››
 311 - Q: What is the definition of gross ignorance? A: 144 blondes.... More ››
 312 - How did the blonde burn her nose? Bobbing for french fries.... More ››
 313 - What do you call a blonde with two brain cells? Pregnant!... More ››
 314 - What's a blondes idea of natural childbirth? No make-up.... More ››
 315 - Q: Why do blondes drive VWs? A: Because they can spell it.... More ››
 316 - Q: Why do blondes hate M&Ms? A: They're too hard to peel.... More ››
 317 - Q: What can save a dying blonde? A: Hair transplants.... More ››
 318 - A blonde once shot an arrow into the air... but missed!... More ››
 319 - What do you call a blonde with half a brain? Gifted!... More ››
 320 - Q: How does a blonde kill a fish? A: She drowns it.... More ››
 321 - Q: How do you get a blond out of a tree? A: Wave... More ››
 322 - Q: How does a blonde kill a worm? A: She burys it.... More ››
 323 - What does a blonde owl say? What, what?... More ››
 324 - How do blonde brain cells die? Alone.... More ››
 325 - What is 74 to a blonde? 69 plus VAT... More ››
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