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witch JOKES (random)

Old witch: Now I know you want a job with me.
Do you tell lies?
Young witch: No, but I can pick it up.

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 1 - What do you call a witch who climbs up walls? Ivy.... More ››
 2 - Witch: Why have you stopped playing cards with my sister ? Wizard: Well would you play with som... More ››
 3 - Did you hear about the witch who fed her pet vulture on sawdust? The vulture laid ten eggs and... More ››
 4 - How does a witch make scrambled eggs ? She holds the pan and gets two friends to make the stove s... More ››
 5 - 1st Witch: What's your new boyfriend like ? 2nd Witch: He's mean, nasty, ugly, smelly and total... More ››
 6 - Did you hear about the witch who went in for the lovely legs competition? She was beaten by th... More ››
 7 - Did you hear about the witch who was ashamed of her long black hair? She always wore long glov... More ››
 8 - Why did the witch wear a green felt pointed hat? So she could walk across snooker tables without... More ››
 9 - Old witch: Now I know you want a job with me. Do you tell lies? Young witch: No, but I can pic... More ››
 10 - What did the doctor say to the witch in hospital? With any luck you'll be able to get up for a... More ››
 11 - Did you hear about the witch who turned her friend into an egg? She kept trying to poach her id... More ››
 12 - How do you know when you are in bed with a witch ? She has a big "W" embroidered on her pyjamas... More ››
 13 - What happened to the witch with an upside down nose? Every time she sneezed her hat blew off.... More ››
 14 - What did the witch say to the ugly toad? I'd put a curse on you - but somebody beat me to it!... More ››
 15 - First witch: My, hasn't your little girl grown ? Second witch: Yes, she's certainly gruesome.... More ››
 16 - What would you get if you crossed a witch with a famous movie director? Steven Spellberg!... More ››
 17 - What is old and ugly and can see just as well from both ends ? A witch with a blindfold !... More ››
 18 - Why did the witch keep turning people into Mickey Mouse? She was having Disney spells.... More ››
 19 - What is the best way of stopping infection from witch bites ? Don't bite any witches !... More ››
 20 - Did you hear about the TV show with FBI agents and witches? It's called The Hex-Files.... More ››
 21 - Why did the witch lose her way? Because her hat was pointing in the wrong direction.... More ››
 22 - What did the young witch say to her mother ? Can I have the keys to the broom tonight !... More ››
 23 - What happens if you see twin witches? You won't be able to tell witch witch is witch.... More ››
 24 - What did the young witch say to her mother? Can I have the keys to the broom tonight?... More ››
 25 - Witch l: "How do you manage to stay in shape?" Witch 2: "I get a lot of hexercise."... More ››
 26 - Why was the student witch so bad at essays? Because she couldn't spell properly.... More ››
 27 - Have you heard about the goodweather witch? She's forecasting sunny spells.... More ››
 28 - How does a witch doctor ask a girl to dance ? 'Voodoo like to dance with me ?'... More ››
 29 - What does a witch do if her broom is stolen ? She calls the flying squad !... More ››
 30 - What happened to the naughty little witch at school? She was ex-spelled.... More ››
 31 - Q: How do you picture yourself flying on a broom? A: By witchful thinking.... More ››
 32 - Where did the witch get her furniture ? From the ideal gnome exhibition !... More ››
 33 - How can you tell an Italian witch from an English one ? By her suntan !... More ››
 34 - What do you call a witch that stays out all night? A fresh air freak.... More ››
 35 - What is a witch's favourite TV show? Lifestyles of the Witch and Famous!... More ››
 36 - How do warty witches keep their hair out of place? With scare spray.... More ››
 37 - What do you call a witch who kills her mother and father? An orphan.... More ››
 38 - What goes cackle, cackle, squelch, squelch? A witch in soggy trainers.... More ››
 39 - What do witches use pencil sharpeners for? To keep their hats pointed.... More ››
 40 - What's the favorite subject of young witches at school? Spelling.... More ››
 41 - Why won't a witch wear a flat cap? Because there's no point in it.... More ››
 42 - Why does a witch wear a pointed black hat? To keep her head warm.... More ››
 43 - Is it good to drink witch's brew? Yes, it's very newt tricious!... More ››
 44 - Who went into a witche's den and came out alive ? The witch !... More ››
 45 - What do you call two witches who share a room? Broom-mates.... More ››
 46 - How do you get milk from a witch's cat? Steal her saucer.... More ››
 47 - What is the witches motto ? We came, we saw, we conjured !... More ››
 48 - How do witches lose weight? They join weight witches.... More ››
 49 - What goes cackle, cackle, boom? A witch in a minefield.... More ››
 50 - What's the witches favourite pop group ? Broomski Beat !... More ››
 51 - Why do witches have stiff joints ? They get broomatism !... More ››
 52 - What does an Australian witch ride on? A broomerang!... More ››
 53 - What has handles and flies? A witch in a garbage can.... More ››
 54 - What do witches ring for in a hotel? B-room service.... More ››
 55 - Q: What kind of witch goes to the beach? A: Sandwitch... More ››
 56 - How can you make a witch itch? Take away her "W."... More ››
 57 - What does a witch enjoy cooking most? Gnomelettes.... More ››
 58 - What do you call a witch with one leg? Eileen.... More ››
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