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aardvark JOKES (random)

Two aardvarks watched in amazement as a firework flashed across the sky.
1st aardvark: Wow!
I wish I could fly like that.
2nd aardvark: You would, if your tail was on fire.

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 1 - Why do aardvarks make undesirable neighbors? Because they always have their noses in other people... More ››
 2 - What do you call an aardvark that's been thrown out of a pub? A barredvark!... More ››
 3 - A man wanted a new aardvark so he looked through the classified ads. He phoned a number he found... More ››
 4 - I've got a new aardvark. Would you like to play with him? I don't really know. I've heard it g... More ››
 5 - Two aardvarks watched in amazement as a firework flashed across the sky. 1st aardvark: Wow! I... More ››
 6 - Who won the animal race? The giraffe and the aardvark were running neck and neck, but the aardv... More ››
 7 - Which aardvark holds the speed record? The nearsighted aardvark, who wrapped his tongue around a... More ››
 8 - Did you hear about the household appliance that eats ants and records TV shows? It's the VCRdva... More ››
 9 - What did the aardvark say when he lost the race to the ant? If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!... More ››
 10 - What did the impatient waiter ask the gluttonous aardvark? Is that your final ant, sir!... More ››
 11 - Why does mama aardvark call her husband a cannibal? Because he ate his ant for dinner!... More ››
 12 - What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? An aardvark with the sniffles!... More ››
 13 - What has 200 legs, 50 noses, and is very loud? A herd of stampeding aardvarks!... More ››
 14 - What has six legs, two arms, four eyes and a tail? A man holding an aardvark.... More ››
 15 - What do you call an aardvark that's just won a fight? A well 'aardvark!... More ››
 16 - How do you define an aardvark? Aan aanimal that resembles an aanteater!... More ››
 17 - Where does the aardvark family always come first? In the phone book!... More ››
 18 - Why do aardvarks like to talk to ants? They can stick to the subject!... More ››
 19 - What do you call an aardvark outside Buckingham Palace? A guardvark!... More ››
 20 - Who loves hamburgers, French fries, and ants? Ronald MacAardvark!... More ››
 21 - What does an aardvark use when he has a cold? An ant-ihistamine!... More ››
 22 - What do you call an aardvark good with a light saber? A darthvark!... More ››
 23 - What do you call an aardvark that's just lost a fight? A vark!... More ››
 24 - What does an aardvark take for ant-digestion? Anta-Seltzer!... More ››
 25 - When is an aardvark jumpy? When he's got ants in his pants!... More ››
 26 - What does an aardvark keep in his aquarium? An aard-shark!... More ››
 27 - What does an aardvark get when he overeats? Ant-digestion!... More ››
 28 - What do you call an aardvark that plays poker? A cardvark!... More ››
 29 - What is uglier than an aardvark? Two aardvarks!... More ››
 30 - What does the aardvark call his dog? Aard-bark!... More ››
 31 - What do you call a Polish aardvark? A Polaark!... More ››
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