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dinosaur JOKES (random)

Why is it dangerous to go into the jungle between two and four in the afternoon?
That's when dinosaurs are jumping out of palm trees.

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 1 - Q2: What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? A: Rep Tiles... More ››
 2 - Why don't more dinosaurs join the police force? They can't hide behind billboards.... More ››
 3 - Q: What do you get when you put a bomb and a dinosaur together? A: Dino-mite.... More ››
 4 - What would you get if you crossed a dinosaur with a pig? Jurassic pork!... More ››
 5 - How can you tell a male dinosaur from a female dinosaur? Ask it a question. If he answers, it's... More ››
 6 - Why is it dangerous to go into the jungle between two and four in the afternoon? That's when di... More ››
 7 - Q: What do you say to a twenty ton dinosaur with headphones on? A: Anything you want. He can't... More ››
 8 - Q: Why doesn't the dinosaur cross the road anymore? A: Because their eggs stink. (They're extin... More ››
 9 - How can you tell if a dinosaur is visiting your house? His tricycle will be parked outside.... More ››
 10 - Q: Why didn't the T-rex skeleton attack the museum visitors? A: Because she had no guts!... More ››
 11 - Q: What did the dinosaur say when he saw the volcano explode? A: What a lavaly day!... More ››
 12 - Q3: What did the female dinosaur call her blouse making business? A: Try Sara's Tops... More ››
 13 - What's red on the outside and green on the inside? A dinosaur wearing red pajamas.... More ››
 14 - Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road? A: Because the chicken wasn't invented yet.... More ››
 15 - Q: Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory? A: Because she was a plant eater!... More ››
 16 - What did you call a dinosaur that keeps you awake at night ? Bronto-snore-us !... More ››
 17 - Why do dinosaurs wear glasses? To make sure they don't step on other dinosaurs.... More ››
 18 - Q: What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars? A: Tyrannosaurus wrecks!... More ››
 19 - Q1: What vehicle does T-Rex use to go from planet to planet? A: A Dinosaucer... More ››
 20 - Why does a dinosaur have cracks between his toes? To carry his library card.... More ››
 21 - Q: How did the dinosaur feel after he ate a pillow? A: Down in the mouth!... More ››
 22 - Q: What's green and purple and goes up and down? A: Barney in an elevator.... More ››
 23 - Why do dinosaurs climb trees? There's nothing else to climb in the jungle.... More ››
 24 - Q4: What is the head of an Italian dinosaur family called? A: Ptera Don... More ››
 25 - Q: What do you call a Blind Dinosaur's Dog? A: Do-ya-think-he-saurus-rex.... More ››
 26 - What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep ? A dinosnore !... More ››
 27 - Q: Why did the T-Rex eat hamburgers? A: Because he is a meat eater!... More ››
 28 - Why don't dinosaurs take ballet lessons? They outgrew their leotards.... More ››
 29 - Why did the dinosaur walk on two legs? To give the ants a chance.... More ››
 30 - Q: What dinosaur can't stay out in the rain? A: Stegosaur-rust!... More ››
 31 - Q: What do you call a Blind Dinosaur? A: Do-ya-think-he-saurus.... More ››
 32 - Q: What was the most flexiest dinosaur? A: Tyrannosaurus Flex.... More ››
 33 - Q: What dinosaur would you find in a rodeo? A: Bronco-saurus!... More ››
 34 - Why does a dinosaur climb a tree? To get in his nest.... More ››
 35 - Q: What dinosaur loves pancakes? A: A tri-syrup-tops.... More ››
 36 - Q5: How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch? A: Tea Rex?... More ››
 37 - What followed the dinosaur ? It's tail !... More ››
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